Beach Club
Step 1: Get Started
Fill Out the Contact Form
Let us get to know you! Share your goals and skill level so we can recommend the best practice group for you.We’ll Contact You
Once we receive your form, we’ll reach out to discuss practice group options.
Step 2: Try Us Out
Purchase a Drop-in
Perfect for seeing if ATX Juniors is the right fit for you.
Step 3: Attend Practices
Scheduling Practices
After purchasing your drop-in, we’ll register your athlete for the agreed-upon practice day and time.Practice Reminders
You’ll receive a reminder 24 hours before each practice.Cancellations/Make-Ups
Cancel up to 24 hours in advance via TeamUp to retain your credit.
If weather causes cancellations, we’ll notify you 2 hours prior and refund your credit.
Subscription Options
Choose a subscription that fits your season of life:
Email to:
Upgrade or downgrade your subscription anytime.
Place your subscription on hold for up to 2 months per year.
Tournaments & Competitions
While tournaments aren’t required, we highly recommend competing to enhance your skills.
Huntington Beach Tournament May 3rd & 4th (Same location & weekend as the NCAA Championship)
Where: Huntington Beach, CA
When: 5/3-4/2025
Why: Great competition, and you can watch the NCAA Championship during your down time.
Qualification Process: Bids awarded by ATX Juniors Director
Where: Virginia Beach, VA
When: June 2025 (Tentative, which days depend on age group)
Why: Very competitive and efficiently ran with a great format.
Qualification Process: Bids earned at local qualifier tournaments.
Where: Hermosa Beach, CA
When: 7/7-11/2025 (Tentative, which days depend on age group)
Why: The biggest and most competitive national championship, on the best beach in the country.
Qualification Process: Bids awarded by ATX Juniors Director
Where: Hermosa Beach, CA
When: 7/21-25/2025 (Tentative, which days depend on age group)
Why: Very competitive, efficiently ran with a great format, and on the best beach in the country.
Qualification Process: Bids earned at local qualifier tournaments.
Advanced Opportunities
Elevate your game by aiming for: